While you likely got married with the intent of staying with your spouse for the rest of your life, sometimes things happen that make this impossible to accomplish. In situations such as these, you might be feeling like you and your family would be happier if you were no longer married to your spouse. And although coming to this decision can be difficult, executing on this decision can be even more challenging. So to help you make it through, here are three tips for handling the divorce process with your spouse.
Prepare Yourself For The Tough Conversations
After you’ve decided that you no longer want to be married to your spouse, you now have to break the news to him or her. This can be one of the most difficult conversations you will have in your life, aside from possibly breaking the news to any children you may have. Because of this, it’s important that you go into this conversation with your eyes wide open. According to Sam Margulies, a contributor to Psychology Today, one of the best things you can do during this conversation to help set the right mood for the rest of your divorce process is to not try to defend yourself or prove your partner wrong. While you might have had days, months, or even years to come to terms with this news, your partner hasn’t. So rather than getting combative, try to just allow your partner to grieve, regardless of what form this grief might take.
Consider Mediation
As part of the divorce process, you have to go through some legal procedures in order for your marriage to be legally dissolved. While you can go to court with your spouse, another option is to avoid court and just go to mediation. According to the American Psychological Association, mediation can be more beneficial to all parties involved in the divorce than having to go to court and battle it out. If you and your spouse think you can reach agreements and want to go about the divorce process in a less frustrating and anger-inducing way, seriously consider whether mediation would be the right choice for you.
But what exactly is mediation? It is a way of sorting any differences between your ex-partner and you with the help of a third person, a mediator, who would not take sides. With their help, you can reach an agreement about matters related to children, money, and property. If you want an amicable divorce, then Divorce Mediation could be the best option for you. It is all about working with your ex-partner for a less stressful and happier separation and therefore, this option should not be overwhelming. Compared to visiting courts, of course, this one would be a better choice.
Stay Out Of Other Relationships
While you and your spouse are wading through the divorce process, it’s important that you try your best to keep things uncomplicated and straightforward. As part of this, Jeff Landers, a contributor to Forbes.com, advises that you stay out of other relationships until your divorce is finalized. Not only will this make the process easier in a legal sense, but it will also save all involved from sustaining any more heartache.
If you’re about to start going through a divorce, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you handle this process with grace and dignity.