4 Simple Rainy Day Activities For Toddlers

Toddlers can be like tiny drunk cavemen wandering in circles full of boundless energy and demands needs.  While this age can be a lot of fun it can also be extremely exhausting for a busy mom or dad.  While the best thing to do with these little ones is let them run their energy off with physical activity like going to the park and letting them run, or taking them to an activity center where they can jump around.

Sometimes, however, you may just find yourself trapped indoors with a restless toddler looking out your windows at the rain wondering what you are going to do with them.  Don’t panic, however!  Now you don’t have to have Borax, pom-poms, peacock feathers, or whatever else Pinterest says you have to have for the latest crafts and tactile activities.  Sometimes the tried and true activities are still perfectly entertaining, and usually on hand.  Here are some of the best indoor activities for toddlers in a pinch.

Bubble Baths

Sometimes a good old tub full of bubbles is exactly what the toddler ordered.  A big sudsy bubble bath can buy overwhelmed parents of busy toddlers up to 30 minutes of entertainment.  Make sure that you buy hypo-allergenic bubble bath safe for little kids delicate skin of course.  No need for getting rashes or other complications from putting shampoo or other soaps with harsh chemicals.

If you don’t have any bath toys you can easily find a few plastic yogurt containers or tupperware and let them have a go.  It’s always amazing how little ones seem the most entertained by objects that aren’t intended to be toys at all.


Let’s face it, kids love making messes.  Set up a big art project on the kitchen floor and put your kiddo in an old t-shirt or smock and let them have a whirl at some painting with their hands.  You can try giving them some tools like sponges or paintbrushes, but many kids just love the joy of being able to spread the colors with their tiny hands and fingers.

Not only does it encourage their creativity and development, it’s a great opportunity for you to get in touch with your artistic side again and paint alongside them!


Try putting on some fun music and dancing around the living room.  Your child will think it is hilarious to watch mommy or daddy jump around giddily while encouraging them to do the same.

Showing your child how to be joyful even as an adult is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.  Not to mention you can burn off some of their energy and get in some exercise yourself! Win win!