The Perfect Wedding Experience: A Simple To-Do List

Getting engaged is one of the most beautiful and heart-felt experiences of a person’s life. If we are lucky, the proposal is a dream come true for both parties. Soon after the excitement wears off and reality begins to settle into the minds of the happy couple. There is a wedding to plan!

Most people have been to a wedding, or five, but they have no idea what it takes to actually plan one. It is hard to know where to begin. One thing is certain; The months spent planning this one special day should lead up to the apex of perfection.

Check out this simplified checklist of a much more complicated process, and get started on the road to what we hope is a long and happy marriage.

The dream big phase of planning

Now is the time to dream big. A few realistic options to consider include:

  • Large or small ceremony
  • Indoors or outdoors
  • Close to home or far, far away
  • Modern, classic, victorian, goth, rustic, or self-made theme/style
  • Super fancy or casual
  • Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall

Plan a date for the wedding shower

The sooner, the better for planning a wedding shower. Get it out of the way. Planning the shower should be up to the maid or honor or one of the wedding party, but it needs to get done. Friends and family need plenty of time to check out the couple’s registry and purchase key items for life after the wedding.

Set a probable budget for the wedding

Once there is some idea of what is needed for the wedding, it is a good time to set a budget. Without a set budget, wedding plans can get a little crazy real quick. Do not make the mistake of planning without a budget.

Choose the date

Choosing the date of the wedding is key. The date identifies what season will be current and what sort of weather should be anticipated. If the wedding is going to be outside, this is a very important factor in planning.

Hash out the guest list

The guest list has to make sense with the budget. If there are 200 people to invite, then the budget has to be large enough to accommodate everyone. Sometimes the guest list is not much of a matter, depending on the setting and style of the wedding. For most, the guest list may take a month to completely finish.

Choose a venue

Figure out where this marriage will occur. What special place will be suitable for the perfect ceremony? Sometimes it takes time to find an opening for some venues, so planning ahead is helpful.

Plan the decoration
When you have a decided budget and a shortlisted venue, you can choose the kind of decoration you want. You can go on to pick the theme, the type of WEDDING WELCOME SIGNS ON CANVAS, and the type of lights, all suited to the particular venue. You can get all of these sorted on your own when you start to plan early. However, in case you are a little late and have just a few days in hand, you can contact a wedding planner to get the venue decorated exactly the way you would prefer.

Get a dress or tux

Now that most of the dirty work is sorted, go shopping! It is time to find the most beautiful dress or the most gorgeous tuxedo available. If traditional is not the way of a particular pairing, now is the time to choose a worthy garb and go get hitched.