Tips for Finding the Right Home for a Young Family

Finding your dream home is a feat in itself, but adding young children to the mix can make it much more complicated. The homebuying process, while exciting, can be challenging. While you move through the steps, you’ll overcome a variety of stressors and obstacles like finding a real estate agent, getting approved for a mortgage, having an offer accepted amongst high competition, and more. When you have a young family, you’re likely going to narrow your search to find a house that will be suitable for the kiddos. During the next few months, we encourage you to have some fun with finding your dream home and these tips can help.

Pinpoint What You Want in a Home

When you have younger children, you’re likely going to have a list of the features that are going to be absolutely necessary. For many parents, things like distance to good schools, a backyard, extra storage space, and a minimum number of bedrooms are going to be high on the list of “needs.” Nowadays, the generational differences between what younger families want now and what older families used to desire are much different. For example, things like home size might not be as important to younger generations, but eco-friendly, smart features are. Take note of all of the non-negotiables and separate them from anything that feels necessary, but that you can ultimately live without. When you have gathered all the family members’ preferences, you can contact a custom home builder (such as Ware Design in Waukesha County) to begin the construction process. Typically, such a builder has years of experience building custom homes, which means you’ll get a home that’s tailored to your specifications.

When putting together your list of wants and needs, look at a home value estimator to see how much your current home will likely sell for. This will then help you budget for the future.

Find a Realtor Who can Help You Achieve These Goals

When you have a list of your needs and wants, contact a real estate agent in your area via websites like to help you get the process started. They can also assist in making a deal for the positive part of every offer and counteroffer and never make a sour face in front of the other party. Interview several agents and explain your goals to them. Ask them questions related to their experience and how they’re going to be able to help you find your perfect home. During the process, having access to tips from top agents is going to be invaluable, especially if you have even a somewhat specific image of what you want your abode to look and feel like.

Be Move Out Ready

If you have any young children, then the last thing you’re going to want to do is slack on getting ready to move. During the hunt for a new home, get a move on organizing. Sell or donate anything that doesn’t serve you anymore- the less clutter you have to move, the better. Then, move onto slowly reorganizing your rooms so that when the move-out time comes closer, you’re ready to pack things away. With kids, pick out specific days for them to have a babysitter or playdate so that you as a parent or parents can get a move on packing without any distractions. You’d be surprised at what you can get done in just a few hours.

Stay Open to Changes in Your Plan

Real estate is always evolving. When looking for a home, you should be open to any changes and remain as flexible as possible throughout the process. Sometimes, the home that you fall in love with isn’t the one that you originally pictured on paper. Your choice of a city might differ for different reasons. Cities like Cranford might be better than Princeton, in terms of nightlife (read about Cranford relocation) and other amenities. Similarly, you have to consider several other aspects like rent amount, deposit, parking facilities, and so on.

Being a parent will always come with its ups and downs, but finding your new space to grow your family should be an exciting time. Get organized, find a helpful expert, and get ready to find your dream home.

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