The dynamic of family life is changing dramatically. Due to the advent of increasing technology and home/life structure, it’s more important than ever to strategize character building for your children. Certain character traits like manners and compassion will never go out of style, so be sure to instill these values in your kids. Here are some ways to help your child develop strong character:
Building Confidence
Providing your children with challenges will teach them how to bore through frustration. This is a valuable trait that they will carry with them throughout the rest of their life. Stay with them and coach them through difficulties instead of helping them personally. The challenge can be anything that’s appropriate for their age–tying shoe laces, climbing something at the park, or riding a bike are all highly effective.
While it should not be the sole emphasis of a child’s life, the bottom line is that physical appearance matters in some capacity to most people, regardless of age. If your child is getting teased for being overweight, help them help themselves by teaching ways they can improve their overall health. You can go on jogs together or go to the gym together. Studies show that the better they feel about their physical attractiveness, the more confident they will be.
There is no teacher quite like exploration. Going places with your children and family creates a memorable experience and exposes them to different cultures and ways in which the world works. Going to a family friendly resort can be a great way to subject your children to novelty and worldliness in one of the best ways possible.
If your child has an aversion to traveling, taking your significant other and going to an adults only resort has additional benefits on top of offering respite to your and your spouse. Having a friend or family member care for your child in your absence can teach them how to conduct themselves in a novel environment. You can also get feedback from their caretaker about their behavior to see how they acted while you were away.
Taking On Responsibility
Having your kids do chores is a good way to introduce them to the concept of responsibility. Teach them that this is an important part of being a family and on a larger scale, being part of society. Persuade them to join classes or clubs, and be diligent in their attendance, even if they do not want to go sometimes. If you have older children, you may consider teaching them the responsibility to care for the younger ones.
Studies show that among young people, responsibility for their own abilities is solely their own shoulders. But this is not entirely true, as it does not account for the significance of introduction, guidance, or mentorship. Your own adherence to these principles as a parent are thus instrumental in expanding your children’s range of abilities.
Work Ethic
A big mistake parents make is giving them whatever they want whenever they want. Nobody likes to see their child cry, but fighting the urge to buy them a toy when at the store or supermarket is often for the best. A spoiled child is likely to become a spoiled adult if the problem is never corrected, and an adult lacking discipline is never a pretty picture.
Instead, indoctrinate your children with the will to earn what they desire. If they want to buy a new toy or bike, teach them how to make the money to get it. This will prove to be far more rewarding for both of you, and will also teach them the value of work and the dollar.
Teaching Politeness
Explain the norms that society understands as polite and impolite and guide them accordingly. Learning to rise to the demands of what is culturally deemed polite is important across cultures and thus it’s instillation carries great value over the long term.
Teach your children how to smile, give eye contact, and introduce themselves respectfully. This will provide them with a starter kit for proper social interaction. Much of their socialization will occur at times you will not be present with their peers, so just be sure to keep an eye out for how your child is getting along with others at school.
Teaching Kindness
Teach your children to be empathetic with others. Introduce them to members of all walks of life and allow them to relate to them. One exercise you may want to consider is having them meet a different type of person every week and then have them find something they share in common with them.
This will help to shine light on the commonalities we all share instead of emphasizing the differences that divide us. Alternatively, you could go with your child to activities and events that benefit the community, like cleaning up a local park or visiting a homeless shelter.
There are many different ways to help your child build character. It takes a little bit of everything help your child be the best person he/she can be. It may take some time, so don’t be discouraged if your child seems to be going through a phase. Your children will find the best way to grow into the people you know they can be.